

user image 2012-07-10
By: elektronz
Posted in:

<p>for someone who has constantly got tunes going in my head 24/7 for the last god knows how many years the last few days ive had nothing ..which is no bad bad thing ..actually its been pretty cool ..im not a quitter but im also a heart on the sleeve type bod as well ..and ive found that by offloading my niggles ,,be it a blog ,text or actually conversing with another human lol ,,now thats &nbsp;rare these days lol ..it clears the path for the next road to take :) ...now your probably thinking ,,god its only been a few days and now hes back ..well a few days for me without touching music feels like months ...(see top line ) ..and no this is not some elaborate promotional crap ..quite frankly i couldnt give a toss about how many plays i get or chart systems or all that rubbish ,,this is about something that a major part of my setup ...vig hit the nail on the head ..as basically you all did ..so its you guys who have made me see sense and guided me back to where i want to be ...i do sometimes need and welcome that :) ..i do have these glitches occasionally and its usually the members of the site who have sorted me out and got me back on track ..so ill just once again say a big thanks to all who took it upon themselves to bother about one tiny little washer in the machine that is mixposure ..its a very cool place to be and your all really cool people ..thankyou ...:) ..ill end this here and just get back to what i like to do ...i think thats best :)&nbsp;</p><p>sie&nbsp;</p>

Mix Radio DJ Corner
07/11/12 06:56:42PM @mix-radio-dj-corner:
I guess we can forget about the memorial service, now. Too bad, I was the defaulkt eulogist and had a nice R.I.P. to deliver. But you came back before I could write it. So this will have to do: The reports of the demise of elektronz are a bit prematre and greatly exaggerated. He is alive and kicking. Ow ow ow stop banging/kicking on my head.

07/13/12 07:41:16PM @dazed:
very good news indeed!!!
07/11/12 02:38:46PM @kalola-kiss:
;0), kk
07/11/12 02:05:53PM @cooter:
This is good news, elek.



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