not been on here for a while neither have i "blogged" ..this post will remedy both things ...reason ...well all im gonna say is family guy ..seasons 1- 11 ...thats pretty much it ...lol ...not written much music as of late and the bits i have are pretty crap anyways ..going through a combo of cant be arsed plus writers block plus fixing a hole where the rain gets in and using paul mccartneys swollen head to purge sed weather attribute ....the muso side of stuff is basically me trying to settle on a style that im comfy with and that i can sustain longer than one track ..which is pretty difficult with the synthesizer being my main weapon of mass distortion the field of vison is a bloody big one ...im really thinking of a name change ,scrapping any project and previous tunes on here and just starting from scratch ..im really not 100% sure of anything at the min ..the guitar playing is proper doing my head in ..i thought chords on a keyboard were a pain in the sphincter ..but nope there a breeze compared to whats involved to vibrate,strum and pick at those dam 6 strings ...been reading up on all available chords and...to be honest ...SOD THAT FOR A GAME OF YAHTZEE !!!
sound defeatist ...yeh dam arse spanking right i am ...and to end this rant/philosophical trip into the mindset of yours truly ..ill leave you with this tome ....THE DAY I LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR IN ANY SHAPE,FORM OR THING ..THE EARTH WILL HAVE RECOVERED FROM ITS 3RD ICE AGE ..FOOD WILL BE IN PILL FORM AND MARS WILL BE SUFFERING FROM THE SAME SHIT DEAL WERE GETTING ON THIS BALL OF NAVEL LINT WE CALL HOME .....GOODBYE !!!
(DISCLAIMER) ( some of this i might of made up ....or did i ...? )
made it up! you made t up! yah yah