
3 new tracks

user image 2015-02-09
By: elektronz
Posted in:
3 new tracks

howdee mixpeeps me again just to let you know ive popped up another 3 tunes for you ,,,and going off my last blog they conform to my non conformist theories of tuneage composition ...there not 3 mins verse/chorus blah blahh ,,,in fact of the 3 the shortest tune is 7 mins :D ....ive mixed up genres and stuff ....and popped them in the electronic genre ,,,until the admin guys add and "elek" genre ...thats where my spoils will be placed :D ..so for the 3 peeps that like my doodlings xmas has come early once again on the back of my ep theres now a trilogy of things to listen to ...enjoy ,kick back ,and chillout :D

02/09/15 04:50:39PM @elektronz:
:) thx jim :)


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