things and stuff
yesterday i ventured briskly down into the studio and made for the acoustic perched wrecklessly against the electric as i picked up the guitar i looked to the sky for inspiriation ,well not so much the sky as the ceiling as i was indoors of course and did not have equipped as of yet , glass sun roof ...i then hit my first chord/strum ...couldnt tell you what chord it was as a)my left hand shape resembled my feeble attempt at grasping a jelly mould suspended by a slinky and b) the strum was ,well to put it midly , crap!! ...i could of been playing an e minor,,,i could also of been playing a sus g sharp flat major 5th with a flattened 9th bundled cabbage 8 maids are milking power chord ...i also could of been fitting ....either way it sounded like a cat being dragged through a mincing machine ...i subsequently re-wrecklessly placed the acoustic back against the electric ...shrugged my shoulders ,and sallied forth back up to the pc whence i did commence to sit and ponder my agonising dilema that basically ive more chance of sprouting a pair of gold plated wings from my shoulder blades and learning a new language in one day than becoming the next jimi hendrix ....with a swift click of the mouse i shutdown the pc and got into bed with lois from family guy ...and the rest is ,shall we say, none of your dam business :D