fun in music making
yes folks i said the f word ,,,hmm i can sense a mass shaking of craniums here ...ok i admit it ...i overdose on the f word relentlessly ..i dont care ..i wander through these hallowed halls we call mix mansion without a care ,barefoot and budgie smugglingly free from the constraints of what is universally acclaimed to be the norm of "knocking one out " thats a tune and not a fart or baby making juice ...yessiree bob i brush aside the penned in rules and regs of outing some sonicals ...if i feel like dropping the f word in one of my tunes then so be it ..iit shall be thou and nay thrice nay hey nonay nonay and crumpet at 2 o clock ....with fist beating breast i lead the way in a new form of entertainment guaranteed to entertain ....if i fail in this mission i will under duress gladly equip myself with the dreaded flops of flip and the diseased parrot of port merrin and shall sally forth into the mists of time never to return ...dont know why sally has to be fourth ,,,1st or second woud of done me ...possibly because it was her breast i was beating and being fourth gave me a head start ...anyhoo i digress ...that curry was a strongun ,,lot of digressing there ...the f word ,,,banned in many cities ,,,frowned upon by the clergy and definetly a no -no in most diy shops ...i will be f-wording my way into the annals of mix mansion where bleaching is cheap but boy does it sting and serve no other purpose but for butthole photographers weekly piccy section ...i really cant fathom the need to de-colourise ones waste flange ,,but hey ho its a big world out there and obviously someone thought it would be cool to absorb something used to disenfect the grids into ones arse outlet ...hmm yup strange place this be the world is ...and on that delicate line of conversation i bid you all farewell and hope you endeavour to be encouraged to include in ,but not all of ,your tunes a smattering of the f-word sometimes ...it makes us smile