01/18/25 06:01:11PM @kingstorm:
Love it!!!
wheres my incense?
01/12/25 09:22:05AM @farrell-jackson:
A very peaceful listen...nicely done!
01/10/25 03:58:26PM @kim-d-groff:
Really Great! Love it!!!
01/09/25 01:45:23PM @tony-cee:
smart work love it ......cheers tony cee
01/08/25 12:51:16PM @billb:
The use of looping in this piece behind the single beautifully melodic piano and excellently delivered vocal track give the work an erie atmosphere. A sense of forboding suspense feels unusal not in an avant garde way per se but more a well crafted slice of retro ambient. An enjoyable and pleasant listen.
To date, Ella Blame has released three albums, "Ineffable Desire", "Bitter Tears" and "Unreleased", the singles "Lunatic", "Play A Game With Me", "The...
To date, Ella Blame has released three albums, "Ineffable Desire", "Bitter Tears" and "Unreleased", the singles "Lunatic", "Play A Game With Me", "The Stars", "Dancing Angel", "Overture", "Game Of Love", "For So Long", "Embrace", "Melancholia", "Melody", "Badoujadou" and "Discovery", as well as "Improvisations" (vocals and violin), "The Call" (violin), "Lament" (violin) and "2xSynth and Violin" (instrumental).
Love it!!!
wheres my incense?
A very peaceful listen...nicely done!
Really Great! Love it!!!
smart work love it ......cheers tony cee
The use of looping in this piece behind the single beautifully melodic piano and excellently delivered vocal track give the work an erie atmosphere. A sense of forboding suspense feels unusal not in an avant garde way per se but more a well crafted slice of retro ambient. An enjoyable and pleasant listen.