Force of One
Force of One

Peace Through Strength

album: Out of Egypt
genre: Instrumental Rock
streams: 46
creation date: 2008-02-19

Peace Through Strength
03/11/08 09:48:15PM @soundtrapper:
Big sound. Excellent guitar work with a perfectly heavy backing. This sucker is just bad to the bone. Nice.
02/20/08 08:09:20AM @mark-reed:
From the moment this opened up, one word gets stamped on the mind. Quality. Great track well done
02/19/08 11:32:19PM @michael-nunley:
Wow, that rocked! Nicely done.
02/20/08 05:17:04AM @robert-smith:
Excellent guitars. Wonderful composition and ideas. I like when the drums kick as well. Very good pruduction. You have some very interesting musical ideas here.


02/20/08 06:02:01AM @ab1:
love guitars man.. this does sound epic and vast like that pic of the pyramids depicts.. heroic metal.. lots of changes.. king crimson.. robert fripp.. anybody remember him? lol.. man I dig this.. i dig your intensity and your exoctically dark harmonic propensities.. it's egyptian gothic sort of.. love the tone of your guitars man.. great leads and shreds.. you got it all here dread!


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