Frank Axtell
Frank Axtell

Guitar amp tone...

user image 2009-01-22
By: FrankAxtell
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Part of my tone is achived by turning the amps way up....a luxury I can afford due to a spare bedroom in my home studio set aside just for that purpose. The 50 watt Marshall JMP is cranked to about 8 and the Marshall Jubilee is on about 7and set to the 50 watt setting. Load enough to kill small animals at 20 paces....seriously the power tubes need to be worked a bit. I love Jimi Hendrix's tone on Band of Gypsys. In my opinion that is the ultimate strat /marshall tone....if it ain't broke don't fix it.<br /> Mike Landau and Scotty Henderson also get this very ballsy, very raw sound which I find very exhilarating and gripping. It's all about the signal chain and great vintage amps. My next amp may be the John Suhr OD 100 classic SE, which seems to replicate a well tuned late sixties early seventies Marshall Plexi. The Xotic RC booster helps slam the front end of the amps with a bit more punch. I also pick lightly and back off the tone control on the bridge pickup on the strat, back at least half way to warm up the tone and rid myself of some of the harshness of the highend.


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