Frank Axtell
Frank Axtell

Category: default

New Jerusalem

By FrankAxtell, 2007-12-22

I've just completed a new composition called The New Jerusalem as a testimony that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Bit of a different musical direction...for now.

This time I finally pulled my nylon string guitar out and started to practice the "120 Studies For The Right Hand Development" by Mauro Gulianni again...the classical guitar had been put into retirement for a long time due to the fact that I didn't really have the time or energy to devote to it as I is a life long labor of love and I just happen to dig big loud noisy Marshall stacks that can kill small rodents at 50 paces...what can I say...still in a 15 year old rock'n'roll mind set...will he every grow up? I hope not. Anyway I think this new composition turned out rather well. We'll see soon enough by the responses online, here and on other music internet sites, which I post my stuff on regularly. Internet fans can be very finicky and exacting at times. Never predictable.
I thought I'd get a bit into the classical side again. I will be going back to the jazz soon enough. I get bored easily.

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