"dodgem car magic" (minimal-/house/techhouse) (c) produced by Geoffrey Johnson (8th, april, 2013)
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"dodgem car magic" (minimal-/house/techhouse) (c) produced by Geoffrey Johnson (8th, april, 2013)
04/10/13 12:08:24PM @geoffrey-johnson:
many thanks I just changed this song from the techno genre to the house genre because it´s a techhouse tune with more elements from house and minimal then from techno. nice greets
04/09/13 07:03:56PM @vig-wig:
I imagine w'll hear it tonight if not tomorrow night. I have a soft spot for techno and have tried my hand at it, but dont look forward to trying to make one this good.
many thanks
I imagine w'll hear it tonight if not tomorrow night. I have a soft spot for techno and have tried my hand at it, but dont look forward to trying to make one this good.