Glen Mofford
Song Lyrics
Buried Down There Lyrics by Glen Mofford, Music by Andrew McInnesArrangements & Recording by Glen Mofford & Eric Hogg Intro: Organ, cello, acoustic...
Song Information
From a true story - In 1881 Victoria, BC Canada the Pony Saloon was being replaced with a brick structure when a worker found a human skeleton that had been...
Congratulations on selection for The Matrix Hour Show 01, The Matrix Hour is a new show airing on MixStream Radio. Your song was selected for the show 01. You can review the show at:
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The Matrix Hour
This is beautiful piece, GM. I'm not sure which it is here...whether the very nicely delivered vox pull me deeper into the delicious sadness of the music, or vice versa.
Great stuff.
Fine electronic orchestration. Incorporation of arpeggios and strings sound great. Excellent vocal embedded in the sound textures!
Thank-you both...I had a three lovely women come in to perform on this song: two cello players and one violin. My co-producer was on organ and bass guitar. I provided the acoustic guitar and vocal. I was thinking this would be a great song for film or TV.