Glue Monsters
Glue Monsters

What's a blog, man?

user image 2012-10-26
By: Glue Monsters
Posted in: Crazy stuff I think to myself.
What's a blog, man?

<p>I guess I'll try this blog thing out man. &nbsp;Why not? &nbsp;It's here, and I'm here, so I may as well try it out. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>HELLO! &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>IS ANYONE THERE?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>IS THIS JUST FOR ME TO LOOK AT OR IS THIS FOR EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS TO CHECK OUT AND USE AGAINST ME LATER ON IN LIFE.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT? &nbsp;I'M STARTING TO WONDER IF THIS IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA AFTER ALL?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I'M TIRED OF TYPING.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>THE END.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

10/26/12 11:51:33PM @cooter:
A blog is what it is, man.

Yes, people can see it. :-)

Copied and pasted from the HELP area of your control panel (in this case, *my* control panel, but yours is the same:


Create - This will create a Blog Message on your Artist Page. It will also appear on the main Mixposure Page. Not many sites offer this feature for obvious reasons. Not all blogs need to appear on the Main Page so you have a check box you can select to have it appear on your blog only. Please do not spam the main page with ads for your site with the Best Band Merchandise or CD Duplication. This area is for band promotion and listeners to discuss music or promote their band.

At the top of the Entry Text Box is a variety of of tools. Many you will recognize but some that you may not be aware of are the below:

HTML - You can click this box if you want to use embed code from youtube for example. Not all HTML Tags are supported so please check your formatting if you use this box.

Picture Icon - This is to the left of the Happy Face Emoticon. If you place your cursor in the text area and click this icon, you can add the image url you would like to appear in the blog. You can also resize it if it is too big.

Chain Links - They will appear as inactive but if you highlight a word in your text like "Mixposure" the link becomes active. Now you can click on the closed chain link icon and add the Link URL like http// and click Insert and Mixposure is now a clickable link.

YouTube - If you want to embed a youtube clip, here is another way. Just click the youtube icon and add the video id in. As an example, the url has a video id of AAAAAAAA.

Hope this helps, man.


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