Gordon Leed
Gordon Leed


user image 2009-08-16
By: Dragonstale
Posted in: Dragonstale's Follies

<p>(Firstly, something strange has happened to me recently - I have absolutely no idea what I have done in my life which was so very good that it merits this, but God has sent me one of his Angels. Wooooweeee)</p><p>Right then - now to what I am here for:</p><p>Anyone know of any decent luthiers suppliers i this god forsaken country of mine...or even Western Europe...(particularly France - any excuse to nip across the water )</p><p>it used to be so easy to fnd them...but now apparently they are few and far between.</p><p>I am looking for guitar parts,&nbsp;wood blanks, fret wire, bridge blanks etc&nbsp;etc, &nbsp;all the ususal paraphernalia for making of a nice instrument.</p><p>I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction ;)</p><p>Thanks a lot</p><p>Gordon</p>


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