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<p>Anyone familiar with Graham Harper’s music is well aware of his ability to captivate a crowd. The young singer/songwriter is exciting audiences in his newly adopted hometown of Los Angeles, where he moved in 2011 after garnering significant interest in his music within the L.A. entertainment scene. His warm and endearing stage presence have effectively launched him into the musical realm, but his songs are what send him soaring over the edge. Graham Harper’s energetic pop rock music; characterized by charming, yet powerful vocals, lyrical guitar work, and thoughtful, honest lyrics, has earned him recognition as a respectable musician throughout the industry in Southern California and beyond.</p><p><a href="http://grahamharpermusic.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/dsc_0007.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-100 alignright" title="DSC_0007" src="http://grahamharpermusic.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/dsc_0007.jpg?w=300&h=201" alt="" width="300" height="201" /></a>Growing up in San Francisco, Graham was always interested in music, having been involved in choirs, musical theater and various bands throughout his life. However, something about being a songwriter interested him more than anything else.</p><p>During his youth, Graham’s dad constantly played bands like The Beatles, Billy Joel, and Eric Clapton.</p><p>“My Dad always valued an emphasis on genuine musicianship,” says Graham. “I knew I wanted to make music when I listened to them. They evoked true inspiration, and I always wanted to translate that creativity into the modern music world.”</p><p>After moving to L.A., his love for his craft and his determination earned him praise from various clubs in Hollywood, such as House of Blues, Falcon Lounge, El Cid, and more. He’s a young man performing on the stage like a seasoned veteran, having been influenced by Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Michael Buble, and the R&B/classic rock acts that came before his time.</p><p>Graham’s passion for songwriting is clearly evident, and it’s his dedication to his music that inspires him to keep writing.</p><p>“I’m in a place where I’m really offering pieces of my life to people, and the most exciting thing is that they’re enjoying it and wanting to listen.”</p><div> </div><div> </div>