07/09/10 05:47:22AM @neil-benton:
From the opening to the end I was enthralled. Someone else mentioned Eric Bogle and I know what they mean - honest and gritty. Like it
10/27/08 08:43:17AM @syngularity:
Ultimative sadness and deep performance similiar to Simon & Garfunkel. War noises give me goose bumps. Master expression and production.
10/24/08 09:59:45AM @mark-reed:
A song with a deep tradition behind it. This reminds me in style of an Australian folk Artist called Eric Bogle. The explosions and machine gun fire in the background make this unique. Great lyrics, and a good performance. Well done
10/24/08 07:33:09AM @trev-m:
This one is eerie ! Im not much of a folk fan so I guess dont really have much of a point of reference to offer a critique...its worth a listen, Id maybe bringup the vocals a little....did I mention this is eerie ?
<p>I was born in Tampa, Florida in 1957 to a share-cropper's son who escaped the fields by enlisting in the Air Force. Being an AF brat, I've lived in...
<p>I was born in Tampa, Florida in 1957 to a share-cropper's son who escaped the fields by enlisting in the Air Force. Being an AF brat, I've lived in North Carolina, Hawaii, Michigan, Florida and Frankfurt, Germany. <br />My grandmother had a piano I loved playing around with since I was 3 or 4 years old. My older brothers began teaching me bass lines on a guitar in 1967. Graduated to chords soon thereafter, and they taught me more about what I trying to play on Grandma's piano, and a Magnus Chord Organ my dad bought in 1969. Never had any real music lessons. though.<br />I was in the Air Force in the late 1970s and joined a band called Black Mariah from Lompoc, Ca. I played guitar or bass, sometimes keyboards, whatever was needed. Played at the Troubador on New Music Night in 1981, to a less-than-full house. <br />I moved from Ca upon my seperation from the AF, and have lived in Tx and NC most of the time since then.</p>
From the opening to the end I was enthralled. Someone else mentioned Eric Bogle and I know what they mean - honest and gritty. Like it
Ultimative sadness and deep performance similiar to Simon & Garfunkel. War noises give me goose bumps. Master expression and production.
A song with a deep tradition behind it. This reminds me in style of an Australian folk Artist called Eric Bogle. The explosions and machine gun fire in the background make this unique. Great lyrics, and a good performance. Well done
This one is eerie ! Im not much of a folk fan so I guess dont really have much of a point of reference to offer a critique...its worth a listen, Id maybe bringup the vocals a little....did I mention this is eerie