Recent addition, played real-time with new sampler, could turn into a real song, in addition to lyrics and video footage. Idea stems from an approaching...
Recent addition, played real-time with new sampler, could turn into a real song, in addition to lyrics and video footage. Idea stems from an approaching storm system that left curious cloud formations in the sky
05/26/09 12:32:56PM @vesa:
This would make for a good film sound track...a mystical feel here in the atmosphere you created...moody like the subtle synth sounds...fine build up. I agree, the tension is like you can cut the air with something sharp. A minimalism that's ambient which does have a diacotomy of feeeling relaxed and tense. GOOD COMPOSITION.
05/20/09 09:04:43PM @moon-pie:
I like the feeling of surface tension as you invoke clouds scuttling... the ethereal yet restless sound of the foundational synths reminds me of cloud movements displayed with time-lapse photography. The beat is pleasant and the dry tones you've chosen remind of the dead quality of sound in falling barometric pressure. Very evocative... I like it!
01/02/09 08:59:05AM @fd-project:
Fantastic deep atmosphere, great sounds...Top job !!!....Frank
01/02/09 05:03:34AM @dazed:
cool tune with some great sounds. The only thing I would change is to bring up the volume a bit. I had to kind of crank my sound to hear this track.
Good job!
01/01/09 09:30:25PM @zzaj:
You create the "build" for your atmosphere very nicely here... I like it for that reason alone... believe it or not, it takes some TALENT to control the build as you have here... I give this one a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
01/12/09 11:16:57AM @mark-reed:
This is a very good piece, liked the way this unfolds. Very deep and moody. Nice job well done
This would make for a good film sound track...a mystical feel here in the atmosphere you created...moody like the subtle synth sounds...fine build up. I agree, the tension is like you can cut the air with something sharp. A minimalism that's ambient which does have a diacotomy of feeeling relaxed and tense. GOOD COMPOSITION.
I like the feeling of surface tension as you invoke clouds scuttling... the ethereal yet restless sound of the foundational synths reminds me of cloud movements displayed with time-lapse photography. The beat is pleasant and the dry tones you've chosen remind of the dead quality of sound in falling barometric pressure. Very evocative... I like it!
Fantastic deep atmosphere, great sounds...Top job !!!....Frank
cool tune with some great sounds. The only thing I would change is to bring up the volume a bit. I had to kind of crank my sound to hear this track.
Good job!
You create the "build" for your atmosphere very nicely here... I like it for that reason alone... believe it or not, it takes some TALENT to control the build as you have here... I give this one a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
This is a very good piece, liked the way this unfolds. Very deep and moody. Nice job well done