
HEMI SnowBlower

album: HEMI-Tone
genre: Instrumental Rock
streams: 849
creation date: 2009-01-19

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i hate snow.. i want a HEMI SNOWBLOWER!
HEMI SnowBlower
07/15/24 01:45:37PM @kim-d-groff:
Absolutely Killer Guitar!!!! In my playlist!
Magpie Sally
02/13/21 09:04:04AM @magpie-sally:
Nice track man. Hot šŸ”„
Gary Dabrowski
02/04/19 03:50:26PM @gary-dabrowski:
that was lovely!..
Incarnate Word
04/19/10 12:53:57PM @incarnate-word:
yes this is killer. man they need to play more of your tracks like this one. High energy and gutty. excellent arrangement and guitar chops from hell. great Job.
01/23/09 08:22:14AM @josephrodz:
This track is responsible for my hearing problem!!
Too much fast notes for my ear.

01/21/09 08:18:29PM @mike-kohlgraf:
This tune makes my ears feel like I'm sitting in an airplane and my ears are trying to pop! WHAT A ROCKER!!! Too cool! If you want me to play it you know where to send it! :D


01/20/09 12:40:38PM @richard-john:
Loved the quiet build up to this one ..... oh, sorry, forgot to put the headphones on :)
Fantastic pumping, blood quickening, exciting jam. Great playing!

01/20/09 09:20:47AM @hydrogen3:
Interesting title for a song LOL!!! WOW!!! that lead guitar really grabs you!!! This is a kickin tune I imagine will be ringing in my head for a while!!! Would LOVE to have a download of this!!!
01/19/09 11:51:46PM @test200:
well man, I think you blew the snow back to the north pole. That pounding beat started coming from all over the place. ya towards the end you came out of a tail spin frensy with a great run to that low note, set up the peak nicely. Who needs fire when we got amps!!!
KB Bren
01/19/09 07:16:06PM @kb-bren:
Sorry but I gotta write you a ticket for speeding!
And some damn great speeding as well! Excellent playing and recording. DIG IT! KB

01/19/09 04:06:20PM @self-tort:
Hey KED, it sure as hell works. I just looked out the window after playing this and there was not a drop of snow to be seen.....lol. Sure got those fingers flying on this one, bud. Cool, indeed.



01/19/09 02:35:40PM @gary-hart:
Ked...That is some crazy playing man!! Good work dude!
01/26/09 06:15:33AM @robert-smith:

(finishes banging head)

This is like one of those gigs where you can't hear for days. Something tells me you played a few of those in your time!

It takes a certain committment to play like that, or rather, one needs to be committed.

As I make it out of the moshpit, I raise a fist for Hemi Tone amid the cheers of fans. He throws a pick into the crowd - yes!!!! I caught it.


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