Henry Harrington
Henry Harrington

Back in the Saddle

user image 2008-05-04
By: Troubador222
Posted in:

Well, Ive uploaded a new song Meedee Man, Man. I've been experimenting and learning to make music with my MIDI and Synths. Its been a long slow learning process to do the little I have done. This song is the first time I have tried to combine vocals with the computer music. It's a good hearted tease of my very talented friend Jeff B/Road Apples who did a series of brilliant songs based on old horror movies. Its all meant to be tongue in cheek fun!
Good to see my great friend Mike K is going to be doing his show here. He is a great friend to Indie Artists plus a wonderful musician and a good guy. If you have not heard his show, I strongly recommend it!

05/06/08 08:37:01AM @mark-cloutier:
very cool man--keep playing around and experimenting--thats how you stumble upon new and cool things!!


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