<p><br /><br />The first thing that comes to mind when hearing INCWELL’s music is an overwhelming sense of ‘Universal...
<p><br /><br />The first thing that comes to mind when hearing INCWELL’s music is an overwhelming sense of ‘Universal Appeal.’ INCWELLs' large fan base is 'faceless.' With beaucoup talent, profanity free music, and a commanding presence that breaks down genre barriers and defies the 'quintessential' demographics INCWELL is poised to become the industries<br />next Superstar. INCWELL, prides himself on having a very unique flow and being an exceptionally versatile artist. He attributes his original & fresh perspective to his openness and willingness to take in all genres of music indiscriminately . He has developed an uncanny ability to write and paint intricate pictures with his lyrics & music that have been known to<br />give listeners ‘chills and goosebumps.’ INCWELL’s smart and elegiac content combined with a tremendously smooth delivery make virtually every song pleasing to the listener. INCWELL also plays the guitar, piano, the drums, and has a strong cursory knowledge of music theory. Because of this INCWELL and his production team FCP (Flower Child Production) have been successfully pushing the envelope and boundaries of 'conventional uniformity' in the entertainment industry. He has a truly tireless work ethic and pushes himself to be the best in whatever endeavors he pursues.<br /><br />INCWELL is a 27-year-old native of Washington D.C., born in and around capitol area suburbs, in particular Silver Spring, Maryland. The DMV (District Maryland Virginia) would become the backdrop, setting, and the catalyst behind his provocative story. INCWELL blossomed from a broken home and his all-too-common upbringing has given him true perspective and a very distinct artistic candor.<br /><br />Along with his musical achievements INCWELL has also gained<br />recognition through his civic work. Whether volunteering to coach youth<br />basketball, teaching an after-school creative writing (‘Hip-Hop&rsquo
class, or working<br />closely alongside non-profit organizations he has become synonymous for his<br />tireless community service. He was officially recognized by The Washington<br />Post in 2006 and received the highest honor by being named 1 of 10 Black<br />Men in the Nations’ Capitol to Represent a Pulitzer Prize winning series entitled<br />“Being a Black Man.” INCWELL also frequents different group homes and youth<br />centers as a mentor and motivational speaker while striving to be a positive role<br />model for troubled youths and adolescents.<br /><br />Through the years INCWELL has also been coined the original "Sun Dont Shine boy” (or SDS boy) as an metaphor for the increasingly frustrating struggle to escape the darkness of his areas silence and non-existent presence in today's ever-growing music industry. The most recent and most fitting of all the aliases has been ‘INCWELL, Rebirth of the Flower Child.’ When asked about how and why he anointed himself with this name he said, “A lot of People ask me what is 'Rebirth of the Flower Child?' I really think the original Flower Children such as; Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Janis Joplin, etc., were on to something great! I don't agree with all of their views on all of the important social issues, I do believe in the basic fundamentals and ideologies that they represented. Love & Peace!! Like anything else time has passed and so the movement has progressed and<br />evolved. Just because you’re a Flower Child doesn't mean you can't still be fly. Nowadays, for me at least, the idea of being a Flower Child represents unity, diversity, and free flowing ideas. Our generation needs more positive movements and credos to live by.”-INCWELL<br /><br />One of INCWELLs' many strengths is his amazing live performance. The FreeWord is the talented band comprised of seasoned musicians whom share<br />his same passion and respect for the ART of live performance. INCWELL thought it was only fitting that his band be named “The FreeWord” since music is supposed<br />to be a free artistic, poetic expression, and manifest of the architects’ thoughts. INCWELL is the embodiment of what a superstar 'should be', intelligent, personable, charming, well-spoken, hardworking, talented, diligent, and appealing. "INCWELL is............" next.</p>
