Jaandlu Super Band
Jaandlu Super Band

Do Ya All Believe in Angels

album: Blues For Your Blues
genre: Blues
streams: 70
creation date: 2011-06-18
purchase: mp3, 10.9MB, 00:04:46
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Do Ya All Believe in Angels
John R. Kennedy
06/20/11 02:21:23AM @john-r-kennedy:
Nice little jam with a nice bluezy beat. Nice clean vocals and lovely guitar sound. Organ sounds pretty nice also. Dig in and get down!


06/19/11 10:01:38AM @lucindra:
I start every Sunday with the blues....this is a welcome offering....guitars are very blue/clean.....reminds me of Season of the witch....very cool....!!!
Dylan Thermos
06/19/11 02:41:07PM @dylan-thermos:
Do you believe in Angels is a very eclectic track. Good old fashioned blues.Enjoyed spotting the backward pieces its different. Like your style......Like the call and answer voices...dylan


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