Jay Schankman
Jay Schankman

Needs More Cowbell

genre: Acapella
streams: 28
creation date: 2009-07-25

  Song Information
© 2009 Jay Schankman, all rights reserved
Needs More Cowbell
Rogers-Tennison Band
03/06/10 02:12:34PM @rogers-tennison-band:
Sitting here like a fake dog with a pring for his neck people used to put on their rear dashboard. It would bob up and down with the rhythm of the road. Nice groove. I really like the calvinet or what ever the instrument is. Old school vibe with a new school digital pristine quality to recording.


07/27/09 11:41:10AM @mel:
Hi Jay, love the beat to this funky piece of music. You have some great sounds going on here in Needs More Cowbell. Glad I called round for a listen! Wishing you well, Melsi
08/05/09 12:12:44PM @mark-reed:
Great title, pulled me to it by that alone. This is a nicely crafted piece. Backing is tremendous, funky and solid. For me the ice cream on the cake was the guitar work. Seriously original forget the cowbells just keep the guitars. Excellent piece well done
02/20/11 07:15:20PM @david-c-deal:
Hey Jay, I think this is the first of your tunes I listened to. I like the vibe here; easy going but not simple. Nice work.


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