Joe Nickerson - Syntopia
Joe Nickerson - Syntopia

Can`t Be Stoppin

genre: Jazz+Funk
streams: 69
creation date: 2008-07-23

  Song Lyrics
intro (oh.. I think we could.. change the world)yes.. I think we could.. change the world.. to something good..yes.. I think we should.....
  Song Information
Cant Be Stoppin (c) 2007 Music: Syntopia Lyrics: J.Nickerson
Can`t Be Stoppin
09/21/09 06:01:05PM @bobritsky:
More Hip-hop style to me but great anyway
07/27/08 02:30:47AM @daniel-j-moore:
Excellent message and song. Compelling harmonies that invite the listener to pay attention to the lyrics. Well Done!!!
07/25/08 09:33:45AM @mike-kohlgraf:
Excellent groove with a super message in the lyrics! Some awesome sounds in this track for sure! The vocal delivery is outstanding! Super sounding track, guys!


07/24/08 02:01:21PM @avalanche:
Hey Guys...

I'm a firm believer in songs that carry a message of hope and change...and this one does that. The change starts...with each one of's one person at a time.Great tune with a great message.

Hugs...Mike (NAV)

07/24/08 06:52:59AM @dazed:
great harmonies on this tune and a cool melody line. Chorus also has a solid hook. Nice job guys.
07/23/08 12:13:51PM @lex-zaleta:
There are millions upon millions of people living with no freedom of choice, BUT there are enough folks with billions who could help to change this world into something good. Not being able to choose is one thing; refusing to choose is criminal. Maybe there isn't a song out there to change the world, but maybe enough songs like this one could tip the scales. Keep on keepin' on, you guys. "Can't Be Stoppin'!"


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