joel tuttle
joel tuttle

Music is the science of reading music

user image 2008-09-19
By: jvtuttle
Posted in:

Why do they say "PLAY" music.<br /><br />Music is just imagination alone<br />but when the band gets together it is making up mistakes of your members and playing there muses like a compliment or an exclamation point.<br />If you don't play live is another thing, your not weaving muse.<br />Playing by yourself is just doodle compared to preforming your band.<br />I'll write it better next time

09/28/08 12:37:41PM @joel-tuttle:
Digging into my vault of knowledge.
"Techno" is the old greek word to say ART & SKill
"Intelligence" is the ability to learn understand or deal with new or trying situations
"Mind" comes from greek "spirit" ( old latin{to breathe}] to remember, memory (Old high german}LATIN "to remind or warn.....
"KOWLEDGE"comes from ackowldge. such as a mans status, rights or authority
ART is the instegator or reason (motive)of tons of knowledge , tons of throughout history.
Beauty.... what skill would we have if not that beauty was the moves us along past interests here & there. What FAME did the inventions aspire to.

09/23/08 12:11:45PM @joel-tuttle:
Don't stop writing I'LL LISTEN TO YOUR SONGS.!!

09/20/08 03:44:28PM @gabriel-sabadi:
Hmmm...interesting topic. Well All I can say is, playing with a band and doing live gigs...well been there, done that. Great ego massage if nothing else. Personally I've gone the opposite direction. I've found playing with other musos on a regular basis quite limiting to the overall picture of imagination, always compromising and condensing our talents. To me music is all about composition and coming up with new and creative ideas. I've found while playing with countless bands, mostly on a pro level, that it was more than difficult if not impossible to get my musical ideas across to the other band members let alone the performance. All in all it's all personal taste. Not really knocking this post by any means nor supporting it. Just throwing in my 2 cents worth.

All the best

Luca Wulf
09/20/08 12:01:13PM @huge-artist:
An artists relationship with the muse is WITH THE MUSIC.
Band or solo,makes no difference.

A band is a social event,a sharing of musical ideals.
It can be the vehicle for muse,but there again it can be equaly justa vehicle for musical egos.

But make no mistake,a writer's muse is a one on one relationship.
If not,then go tell all the great classical composers that they had no muse because they had no band setting.


09/20/08 11:17:27AM @ab1:
not sure your meaning here joel.. i liked the tune i heard on your page..
ain't no science to reading notes.. just like words.. each note has it's own name and character.. especially in relationship to the other tones.. but then we're already off into playing.. what sounds good where.. band or studio IMHO is neither here nor there.. as regards inspiration and the muse we could say in music all is fair.. whatever it takes to get me there.. to the rarified air.. mystically blissful and peacefully aware.. :-)

09/21/08 04:02:57PM @tlt50:
Hmmmmmm...."playing by yourself is just doodle"..... Damn' in that case doodling is a great way to experiment with ideas..... especially... when you collab with some of the excellent and gifted talent on this site. !!


09/22/08 09:43:04AM @joel-tuttle:
Well I really got you going on this one.
My reply is......We've served people all our lives
in one way or another....Agree?
our parents lets say...

How bout a discusion on TALKING music
Thanks JOEL

09/22/08 12:27:43PM @ab1:
sure let's talk music joel.. but first let's clear the air.. we serve each other? a good thought but where's our return reviews from you?
I liked that firebird from you.. told you we have dissonance in common.. fusion sort of music.. flats and sharps to grip the beat? sounds neat..
music theory is my love and strength so let's discuss away.. cheers.. :-)

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09/22/08 03:11:54PM @:
You say: "Music is the science of reading music
Why do they say "PLAY" music."

Perhaps music is not the same to everyone. Perhaps music is a science or interpretation of what's written in nomenclature. However unless one can actually read music it doesn't apply. Since I write in manuscript just about everything I do, doesn't always mean that I will play it as written. There has to be some sort of inner action or soul to the playing to create art otherwise you might as well just create midi. If you took a manuscript of some composition and handed it to let's say 10 musicians that can read, how many different variations do you suppose you would get? I would bet 10. Irregardless of the tempi or the forte's and pianissimos, the swells etc. it is up to the individual musician to interpret those signs as they see fit. That's what playing music is all about.

Why do you suppose there is a conductor in larger bands or orchestras? Simply so that everyone is on the same page. In other words the conductor is the individual interpreting the written parts while the musicians are executing what the conductor wants. In smaller bands, there is no one to conduct or tell the rest of the band to play loud or soft so everything is pretty much same volume. I've played in bands where there was a contest to see who could be heard first. But as time went on,we all learned to play together as a team and yet express or interpret the same, as a band. Sometimes that takes time to accomplish.

For those that can't read music can still interpret music but as it is felt and from an idea perhaps in their head. Take a look a guy like Paul Shaffer just as an example. Paul is the (bald headed guy) music director on Dave Letterman for the last 20 some odd years and at one point in time a part of the Blues Brothers. Paul says that he can't read a lick of music but can interpret chord charts. He does everything by ear. In his case it's the interpretation of recall or how something sounds or is supposed to sound.

Music is the interaction of the heart and soul along with other auditory aspects such as seeing, hearing and interacting with each other. If you are not all on the same page then the outcome of the music can be one big blob of sound. So whose going to be the conductor? LOL

If you play by yourself then you don't have to worry about being on the same page and may interpret things any way you see fit. Playing with a band simply gets you away from certain mistakes or bad habits created by one self because there is no one to tell you otherwise.
Ok that's my 2 cents worth.


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