watch out for the blues
<p>the blues is how rock & roll all began.....what is the blues?....me thinks it's an expression of pow...the slaves started it, i guess it was an expression of theIr sense of POW-ER (yu know maybe some words were asigned a future..."THIS WORD WILL BE"....AND YOU KNOW WE LOOSE WORDS IN HISTORY AS WE SPEED THINGS UP OR EVADE THE MEANING TO PRESERVE PEACE) MAY BE POW _ ER WAS LOST.... by the way "serve" comes from the word slave (latin)</p><p>blues Rock is almost extinct....(rock & roll will never die?) Listen to <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Best-Of-Mountain/dp/B00138H7ZO/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1284864266&sr=301-1">Mountain</a> or southern rock bands.......there the blues is still alive in rock</p><p>that an expression of power is music???!!!!</p><p>that's were it's at!!! don't loose it mixposure</p>