"fetch train"
<p>HI..... i made a new version of this but looking back i just must impress you the guitar work on the first one instead.....it's fast (USING HAMMER ONS AND PULL OFFS) and very seldom if ever just sounds like it's fast... wich i think is a real feather in my cap......got to listen to "<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Fuzz-Universe-Paul-Gilbert/dp/B003QTBTRU/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1296841782&sr=1-1">Paul Gilbert</a>" he's very very fast and is good at keeping your interest....you know you don't have to buy an IPOD or the like .....you can get a cheap $20 mp3 player with 2 to 4 gigabytes......and a dollar for a song off Amazon is a good deal......they've got everybody on amazon.....and you can buy CD,s used for $4 or so...</p>