John Sheehan
John Sheehan

Kingdom Tonight

album: unreleased
genre: Acoustic Rock
streams: 164
creation date: 2008-05-01

  Song Information
I met Rich Lynch of on the phone after seeing his music promo site on the net.I found out he lived minutes from my house so I drove over one of...
Kingdom Tonight
05/03/08 07:49:34AM @dazed:
man listening to your music is such a treat. the production is fantastic. Acoustic sounds wonderful and there are some great vocals on this song. I like the subtle keys on the verse. Killer harmonies!!
Rob Grant
05/04/08 12:48:12PM @rayon-vert:
You sure as heck got my attention......I'm going right down the list and loving each song. This is another very nice track and I like the feel of this very much too. Great harmony vox throughout. It feels like it has a Jefferson Airplane vocal attack to it....very cool. LOVED that guitar tone.......Great job!!!


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