
Josephrodz, Carol Sue - Nothing

album: collab
genre: classic rock
streams: 177
creation date: 2023-08-04

  Song Lyrics
"NOTHING" You Irritate me.  You try, you lie, you disgrace me.  Nothing but anything. Hear no evil.  Nothing but anything. There's no love....
Josephrodz, Carol Sue - Nothing
carol sue
12/06/23 09:14:06AM @carol-sue:
I don't know how I missed your wonderful comment @farrell-jackson !!
Thank you so kindly~ so happy you like! Thanks again for this collaboration @josephrodz
You guys are really something! :)

Farrell Jackson:
I don't know how I missed this one? But I'm glad to have found it! First off, great vocals/lyric Carol Sue with cool expressions. Joseph's guitar work, production, and mix are so tight...I like it all!!!!!

Farrell Jackson
11/24/23 01:17:17PM @farrell-jackson:
I don't know how I missed this one? But I'm glad to have found it! First off, great vocals/lyric Carol Sue with cool expressions. Joseph's guitar work, production, and mix are so tight...I like it all!!!!!
carol sue
08/14/23 08:59:12AM @carol-sue:
Sweet as strawberry 🍓 pie !

Tasty comparison~ I like it!
Thank you @slider :)

carol sue
08/14/23 08:57:41AM @carol-sue:
So happy this song is being enjoyed~ thank you!

08/14/23 04:46:31AM @slider:
Sweet as strawberry 🍓 pie !
Paul rainbird
08/11/23 08:39:22AM @paul-rainbird:
Great Song nicely produced love the bass line and vocals good job guys.
carol sue
08/11/23 07:58:41AM @carol-sue:
Hi @shane !
I had read your more than wonderful comment but forgot to properly thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's nice to see you around again! :)

carol sue
08/11/23 07:54:13AM @carol-sue:
You're wonderful~ thank you @bustert!
08/10/23 04:29:01PM @bustert:
Really good-nice combination, compliments from both of you
carol sue
08/10/23 04:45:09AM @carol-sue:
Thank you so much, Eric! @eric-saitz
It's nice to feel better, for sure. Joseph is simply amazing in music creativity!
Appreciate you visiting. ~Blessings~

Eric Saitz
08/09/23 08:15:39PM @eric-lee-saitz:
Hi Carl-Sue I am very glad that you are feeling creative again. A great track from start to finish. Nice polished sound with just enough edge to it. Great work Joseph!

08/09/23 08:29:10AM @josephrodz:
yowza. Joseph ; razor sharp guitar chops here. or , in other terms , exhilarting tight and precise playing bro. Enjoyable riffs and actually the guitar work creates a lot of drama . And Carol-Sue ; highly nice vocal ! . Your singing , your voice and ability in pitch and timing is a blast here. This number in my opinion is good enough to be on the radio and in the record stores.

Thank you very much for your comment.

08/08/23 03:50:38PM @shane:
yowza. Joseph ; razor sharp guitar chops here. or , in other terms , exhilarting tight and precise playing bro. Enjoyable riffs and actually the guitar work creates a lot of drama . And Carol-Sue ; highly nice vocal ! . Your singing , your voice and ability in pitch and timing is a blast here. This number in my opinion is good enough to be on the radio and in the record stores.
Katja T
08/08/23 08:35:24AM @katja-t:
carol sue:
Nice to hear from you! @rob-grant + @katja-t
katja-t - It was nice to meet you in Blackwater Bowes Mixstream radio show! :)
Thanks again for this collaboration, Joseph~ you rock!!

Thank you @carol-sue! It was nice to meet you too!

carol sue
08/07/23 07:00:05AM @carol-sue:
Nice to hear from you! @rob-grant + @katja-t
katja-t - It was nice to meet you in Blackwater Bowes Mixstream radio show! :)
Thanks again for this collaboration, Joseph~ you rock!!

Katja T
08/06/23 11:47:37AM @katja-t:
Great song in every level!
Rob Grant
08/05/23 06:57:24AM @rob-grant:
Definitely a kick ass song! I felt the spirit of Grace Sluck… Great Vic’s!❤️
carol sue
08/05/23 06:23:18AM @carol-sue:
Thank you all so very much for taking the time to listen and share your thoughts.
That was one of the happier days I've had in a long time.
Blessings be~ @josephrodz
@david-c-deal @lodato @ronbowes

@josephrodz ~ I learned what being pushed feels like. You don't push me...
Your helping hands + heart only inspire. ((Thank you))
08/04/23 08:03:49PM @ronbowes:
Great rock and roller!!! Can't imagine what inspired this song :-) Great vox CS!
08/04/23 07:52:40PM @lodato:
Wow Carol Sue, you ROCK!
08/04/23 03:22:44PM @josephrodz:
carol sue:
Thank you so much for reaching out to me, and sharing your energy filled music!
Got me up off the couch, lol. That IS something!! Thanks for letting me express myself.
It's been a heck of a year for me and it's so nice to be feeling better + making music again.
Especially with someone so kind and talented as you.
You are a very talented woman, but you need a little push from time to time to make it work, lol

08/04/23 03:20:12PM @josephrodz:
It is beautiful to hear you guys make a new song together!!!!! The lyrics are heart-wrenching and profound. Fine work.

Thank you Mr. DCD for your kind words.

08/04/23 02:05:20PM @david-c-deal:
It is beautiful to hear you guys make a new song together!!!!! The lyrics are heart-wrenching and profound. Fine work.
carol sue
08/04/23 12:46:43PM @carol-sue:
Thank you so much for reaching out to me, and sharing your energy filled music!
Got me up off the couch, lol. That IS something!! Thanks for letting me express myself.
It's been a heck of a year for me and it's so nice to be feeling better + making music again.
Especially with someone so kind and talented as you.


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