Judy Shire also known as The Devils Daughter is an English Rock Singer who's unique Genre of Vamp Rock has earned her a Worldwide following. Her music and...
Judy Shire also known as The Devils Daughter is an English Rock Singer who's unique Genre of Vamp Rock has earned her a Worldwide following. Her music and songs are a mix of high energy Rock and atmospheric Ballads, with haunting vocals and epic guitar solos. The lyrics in Judy's Songs about Vampires, Witches and the Darkside, open a window in to her Vampire lifestyle! Judy first launched her Vamp Rock with a 4 Song EP titled The Devils Daughter in 2012. The title Song is a story of how Judy became a Vampire and then went to take revenge on the one that turned her! She has followed her EP, with an Album titled Beyond Imagination which was released in October 2013. Destine to become an all time Classic Beyond Imagination, is quite literally Beyond Imagination!