04/11/15 11:02:14PM @juscoday:
We sincerely wish you enjoy In City Lights Playlist created by JD&A Music! here on MIXposure. Come back and listen anytime and Keep Enjoying The Music!
Donating to worthy causes while promoting music and performance, Julie Day & Associates/JD&A Music! includes a number of talented, award winning, awesome musicians, and some of the most giving folks you'll ever come across. With such Big Hearts we've been able to make others aware of the needs of the homeless, those with brain injury, Children's Hospice, and Climate Change, as well as others. JD&A songs have been played regularly on Internet Radio Shows, our artists have interviewed on many shows regarding our causes, we've been included in compliation CD's, in the movies, and been part of Live Performances.
We sincerely wish you enjoy In City Lights Playlist created by JD&A Music! here on MIXposure. Come back and listen anytime and Keep Enjoying The Music!