Justin Jones Band
Justin Jones Band

Gezha Prime's Sunday Show 5:00pm - 7:00 EST

user image 2009-05-11
By: Justinjonesband
Posted in:
Gezha Prime's Sunday Show 5:00pm - 7:00 EST

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">For all you knuckle heads who missed this show...your loss! This is by far the most innovative show on Mixposure. The "Gez" was serving up some of the sweetest, freshest sounds from artists who have such awesome, creative&nbsp;talent, and respectfully deserve their due to be heard.&nbsp;Wondering about the language barrier&nbsp;between his Alien dialect and ours, I was surprised to hear the entire show was in english. So, no translation needed.&nbsp;This is a must hear for everyone in Mixposure Land! So, GET YOUR BUTTS TO GEZHA PRIME'S NEW SHOW!!!! Thats an order!!!</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Sargent Jones Mix P.D.</span></p>

05/16/09 09:02:24AM @gabriel-sabadi:
Man, I've been so busy with the move and all I missed the show last week. I'll definitely try to make this one :)...



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