Justin Jones Band
Justin Jones Band

Thank you Mixposure...

user image 2009-06-27
By: Justinjonesband
Posted in:
Thank you Mixposure...

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">It has been three weeks of sheer hell with my internet struggles getting back up and runnung. To Ked and Todd, I can't begin to express my gratitude for your patience and understanding. Ked has the most thankless job at Mixposure, and in case you haven't been thanked enough, let me tell you how valued you are here. Thank you for the constant encouragement, suppport, and friendship. You found a sincere, honest, and loyal Mixposure asset in Ked, Todd, and as long as you continue to surround yourself with people like him, Mixposure can't go wrong.</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Justin<br /></span></p>

06/29/09 06:52:55AM @dazed:
Good seeing you back Justin!
06/29/09 10:41:10AM @ked-records:
Rick???? Gesha?????/ you have called the uberloard of the carne nebula.. a gesha.... utoh.. the probe has your name on it now..

Justin.. thanks man you are a brother! and we have missed you on the mix... I am glad to know you are back


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