Ken Moran
Ken Moran

Journey through Babalon

genre: Electronic
streams: 22
creation date: 2011-04-06

  Song Information
This song is the first in a series of sound mindscapes.  A friend of mine coined the term "Stoner Techno" for this kind of music.  I cannot deny it!  I like...
Journey through Babalon
04/07/11 03:24:33PM @devodale:
Mista Perez said it best..."The title of the song is perfect for the setting you...." created here. nice roaming piece of electronica.
Mista Perez
04/07/11 08:30:47AM @mista-perez:
Love the intro...Good electronic music is missed. You definetly have a talent for bringing out the mood of song on this. The title of the song is perfect for the setting you set.


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