Kris Moauro
Kris Moauro

Get Outta Your Head

album: Kris Moauro
genre: Rock
streams: 36
creation date: 2014-07-10
purchase: mp3, 4.4MB, 00:03:49
  Song Lyrics
GET OUTTA YOUR HEADby Kris Moauro & Pete Palazzolo It's not from the outside but from within that all your dreams do beginYour heart knows things your...
  Song Information
  The answers to all the questions we ever ask ourselves are found within. When you get out of your head, and listen to what your heart is telling you,...
Get Outta Your Head
Farrell Jackson
07/10/14 04:05:59PM @farrell-jackson:
Excellent pop sound but I really like the bit of theatrical parts thrown in at the chorus!


Kris Moauro
07/10/14 01:26:46PM @kris-moauro:
Here's my latest song, hot off the press!

'Get Outta Your Head'



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