Lee Howard
Lee Howard

Shifting Sands

album: Rekindle
genre: Alternative Rock
streams: 36
creation date: 2008-07-24

  Song Lyrics
Shifting sandsThere was a fire todayIt was oceans awayI heard their loved ones cryThere was a man with a frownHe blew up a townWould someone tell me whyThe...
Shifting Sands
07/25/08 06:48:19AM @syngularity:
Hi Lee, such an interesting and lovely song, and good production. I love the fine reverb on your vocals. A little Al Stewart influence - just my opinion -, and great guitar performance.
Cheers, Pascal

07/24/08 01:39:42PM @avalanche:
Hi Lee...

Well...yeah the news is always bad on TV...but they only rarely report the good news.

Nice light tune...about a heavy subject. Look on the bright side...if you turned off the TV...this song might not have been written. I like the lyrics...even though I believe that it's how we respond to life that matters. Cool song.

Hugs...Mike (NAV)


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