Lee Selwood
Lee Selwood
Lee Selwood

The Long Way Feat..., Shane Plewes)

album: Intimate Expedition
genre: Rock
streams: 61
creation date: 2023-12-18

The Long Way Feat..., Shane Plewes)
tony cee
12/21/23 02:17:01PM @tony-cee:
another great tune lee .....cheers tony cee
12/19/23 12:29:36PM @lee-selwood:
Thank you...!
carol sue
12/19/23 10:09:18AM @carol-sue:
Nice that you've made your way back to Mixposure! :)
With this very cool rockin' tune, at that. Love the vocals, the music and all!
Very impressive, for sure!! ::encore:: Bravo! *****


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