Leslie Wake
Leslie Wake

Not Your Business

album: Heart to Heart
genre: Blues
streams: 55
creation date: 2007-12-14

  Song Lyrics
NOT YOUR BUSINESSbyJ.P. Jones    You took most of the moneyYou took all of the goodsDidn’t I walk with you honey?Till you were out of the woodsYou worried a...
  Song Information
JP is a long time friend of John Crafton's from Newport, RI. I met him at a show we did at the Kent Stage shortly after the Folk Festival. When I heard this...
Not Your Business
01/28/09 05:47:15PM @austn:
Cool Bouncy BluuuZ with a strong guitar sound filling the spaces Btween those Ntense FE-vocal emotional verse lines you R laying down soooo bluesY reflectictively...the FX on the voice Rsuperb and colorful...the way U snap the theme line right at the listNer is Ntense, and sooo SeXy...The outro drift out is cool as U state the matter of fact, with Mpact...ThanX 4 sharing your talents & letting me listN...~Austn
10/15/08 11:34:15AM @mark-reed:
This is a cracking number, great backing, but the vocals are superb. really enjoyed this song. All the best
Rob Grant
12/14/07 06:00:59PM @rayon-vert:
Love listening to you sing.......nice Blues track, with a SUPER peformance by all. The lyrics.....tell like it is :-) Sounds like....he got da blues.....

12/14/07 04:37:10PM @syntopia-music:
What a lovely voice, wonderful acustic guitar, great work.
12/14/07 01:02:25PM @markm:
Very nice. Killer lyrics and vocal. Yes indeed, very nice.
12/14/07 10:36:06AM @skin-deep:
nice soft blues sound with really good acoustic guitar
and excellent vocals. nice voice. :) simple, clean, and clear.
I like the stereo tape delay on the guitar. and the percussion
is just right. This is really excellent. Nice work.



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