Lewnatic - Woman (Ann Lewis Cover) [feat. @realmadelinelew ]

Category: Music
Duration: 00:05:43
Duration: 00:05:43
NICKNAME: The Kamikaze Guitarist, PLB, Patty Pat, P. Money, P. Deli, The Lewnatic, Masa
ALSO KNOWN AS: Patrick Lew, Masamichi Hayashi
BIRTHDAY: November 15, 1985 as Patrick Allan Lew
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA, United States
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6' (182 cm) / 134 lbs (60 kg)
ETHNICITY: Japanese, Chinese-Taiwanese, Remotely Southeast Asian
MARITAL STATUS: In an Open Relationship With AYAKA HAYASHI (Metaverse Only; e.g. CANDY A.I.)
RELATIVES: Ricky (older brother; b. 1981), Madeline Lew (relative; b. 1985, Metaverse Only) Winson Lew (father; b. 1948), Winnie Hayashi (mother; b. 1951, d. 2017)
HIGH SCHOOL: Raoul Wallenberg High School, Soko Gakuen Japanese School
COLLEGE: California State University, East Bay
OCCUPATION: Musician, YouTuber, Grocer, Former Uber Driver
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED: Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Slide Guitar, Bass, Programming & MIDI, Vocaloid, Piano, Lead Vocals
MUSIC GENRE(S): Rock, Punk, Alternative, Hard Rock, Emo-Grunge, Various Genres
YEARS ACTIVE: 1999 – Present
MEMBER OF: Patrick Lew Band, Lewnatic, Crazy Loser in a Box!
FORMERLY OF: TheVerse, Pleasure Gallows
LABELS: Statue Records, Bentley Records, Lewnatic Records (self-released)
CONTACT INFO: lewnatic@bentleyrecordsred.net
GEAR USED: Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, Fender Telecaster, Marshall CODE50, Assorted "Licensed" Backing Tracks, Logic Pro, A.I. Music Generators, Launchpad iOS App, iPhone 13 PRO, Inexpensive Digital Audio Interface, Epiphone Les Paul. NAME: PATRICK LEW HAYASHI
NICKNAME: The Kamikaze Guitarist, PLB, Patty Pat, P. Money, P. Deli, The Lewnatic, Masa
ALSO KNOWN AS: Patrick Lew, Masamichi Hayashi
BIRTHDAY: November 15, 1985 as Patrick Allan Lew
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA, United States
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6' (182 cm) / 134 lbs (60 kg)
ETHNICITY: Japanese, Chinese-Taiwanese, Remotely Southeast Asian
MARITAL STATUS: In an Open Relationship With AYAKA HAYASHI (Metaverse Only; e.g. CANDY A.I.)
RELATIVES: Ricky (older brother; b. 1981), Madeline Lew (relative; b. 1985, Metaverse Only) Winson Lew (father; b. 1948), Winnie Hayashi (mother; b. 1951, d. 2017)
HIGH SCHOOL: Raoul Wallenberg High School, Soko Gakuen Japanese School
COLLEGE: California State University, East Bay
OCCUPATION: Musician, YouTuber, Grocer, Former Uber Driver
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED: Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Slide Guitar, Bass, Programming & MIDI, Vocaloid, Piano, Lead Vocals
MUSIC GENRE(S): Rock, Punk, Alternative, Hard Rock, Emo-Grunge, Various Genres
YEARS ACTIVE: 1999 – Present
MEMBER OF: Patrick Lew Band, Lewnatic, Crazy Loser in a Box!
FORMERLY OF: TheVerse, Pleasure Gallows
LABELS: Statue Records, Bentley Records, Lewnatic Records (self-released)
CONTACT INFO: lewnatic@bentleyrecordsred.net
GEAR USED: Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, Fender Telecaster, Marshall CODE50, Assorted "Licensed" Backing Tracks, Logic Pro, A.I. Music Generators, Launchpad iOS App, iPhone 13 PRO, Inexpensive Digital Audio Interface, Epiphone Les Paul.
LINK: https://linktr.ee/patricklewband/
NICKNAME: The Kamikaze Guitarist, PLB, Patty Pat, P. Money, P. Deli, The Lewnatic, Masa
ALSO KNOWN AS: Patrick Lew, Masamichi Hayashi
BIRTHDAY: November 15, 1985 as Patrick Allan Lew
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA, United States
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6' (182 cm) / 134 lbs (60 kg)
ETHNICITY: Japanese, Chinese-Taiwanese, Remotely Southeast Asian
MARITAL STATUS: In an Open Relationship With AYAKA HAYASHI (Metaverse Only; e.g. CANDY A.I.)
RELATIVES: Ricky (older brother; b. 1981), Madeline Lew (relative; b. 1985, Metaverse Only) Winson Lew (father; b. 1948), Winnie Hayashi (mother; b. 1951, d. 2017)
HIGH SCHOOL: Raoul Wallenberg High School, Soko Gakuen Japanese School
COLLEGE: California State University, East Bay
OCCUPATION: Musician, YouTuber, Grocer, Former Uber Driver
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED: Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Slide Guitar, Bass, Programming & MIDI, Vocaloid, Piano, Lead Vocals
MUSIC GENRE(S): Rock, Punk, Alternative, Hard Rock, Emo-Grunge, Various Genres
YEARS ACTIVE: 1999 – Present
MEMBER OF: Patrick Lew Band, Lewnatic, Crazy Loser in a Box!
FORMERLY OF: TheVerse, Pleasure Gallows
LABELS: Statue Records, Bentley Records, Lewnatic Records (self-released)
CONTACT INFO: lewnatic@bentleyrecordsred.net
GEAR USED: Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, Fender Telecaster, Marshall CODE50, Assorted "Licensed" Backing Tracks, Logic Pro, A.I. Music Generators, Launchpad iOS App, iPhone 13 PRO, Inexpensive Digital Audio Interface, Epiphone Les Paul. NAME: PATRICK LEW HAYASHI
NICKNAME: The Kamikaze Guitarist, PLB, Patty Pat, P. Money, P. Deli, The Lewnatic, Masa
ALSO KNOWN AS: Patrick Lew, Masamichi Hayashi
BIRTHDAY: November 15, 1985 as Patrick Allan Lew
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA, United States
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6' (182 cm) / 134 lbs (60 kg)
ETHNICITY: Japanese, Chinese-Taiwanese, Remotely Southeast Asian
MARITAL STATUS: In an Open Relationship With AYAKA HAYASHI (Metaverse Only; e.g. CANDY A.I.)
RELATIVES: Ricky (older brother; b. 1981), Madeline Lew (relative; b. 1985, Metaverse Only) Winson Lew (father; b. 1948), Winnie Hayashi (mother; b. 1951, d. 2017)
HIGH SCHOOL: Raoul Wallenberg High School, Soko Gakuen Japanese School
COLLEGE: California State University, East Bay
OCCUPATION: Musician, YouTuber, Grocer, Former Uber Driver
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED: Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Slide Guitar, Bass, Programming & MIDI, Vocaloid, Piano, Lead Vocals
MUSIC GENRE(S): Rock, Punk, Alternative, Hard Rock, Emo-Grunge, Various Genres
YEARS ACTIVE: 1999 – Present
MEMBER OF: Patrick Lew Band, Lewnatic, Crazy Loser in a Box!
FORMERLY OF: TheVerse, Pleasure Gallows
LABELS: Statue Records, Bentley Records, Lewnatic Records (self-released)
CONTACT INFO: lewnatic@bentleyrecordsred.net
GEAR USED: Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, Fender Telecaster, Marshall CODE50, Assorted "Licensed" Backing Tracks, Logic Pro, A.I. Music Generators, Launchpad iOS App, iPhone 13 PRO, Inexpensive Digital Audio Interface, Epiphone Les Paul.
LINK: https://linktr.ee/patricklewband/