11/14/08 02:39:22AM @henry-correy:
Ah Michel...Greetings from Australia !.All I can say about your Blues ...C'est Si Bon !!!.........regards...Henry
10/21/08 02:24:34PM @mark-cloutier:
hey michel--yeah man a french cafe- you and i-- sitting back and just playing for that moment--very soft delicate and heartfelt--a glass of wine and some lobster for me!! cheers man--you did some great work here! mark
10/19/08 09:36:03AM @rayon-vert:
Michel.........Soft late night love driven blues.....very realistic, heartfelt and romantic. I feel like I'm sitting in a French cafe..............after hours, of course. GREAT JOB, MICHEL!!
<strong><span style="color: #a5b7a7;">Hey! Welcome here! I am a French man living near Paris..<br />I started playing guitar a long time ago at the end of the 60's... I still do! Cause... Well, I still like it! <img src="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/michel.redon/SCS/smiley.jpg" alt="" /><br />I played in some bands here around, but do not anymore<br />I like to stay at home in my home studio, near my garden, and gently, at my own rythm, create my own stuff. Programming my synths and all my gear, play a bit of my "Gibson Deluxe", my bass, write some lyrics, and... Sing! Sometimes with my lovely & sexy French accent! <img src="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/michel.redon/SCS/smiley.jpg" alt="" /><br />I hope u will enjoy some of these tracks! I have no particular style, cause I have been rocked by all of them. All depends of the mood I am in...<br />I particulary like to collaborate with some musicians & friends I met on the net since a few years.</span></strong><br /><br />Visit me on <a href="http://www.soundclick.com/lordbugs">Lord Bugs on Soundclick</a> for more songs!
Ah Michel...Greetings from Australia !.All I can say about your Blues ...C'est Si Bon !!!.........regards...Henry
hey michel--yeah man a french cafe- you and i-- sitting back and just playing for that moment--very soft delicate and heartfelt--a glass of wine and some lobster for me!! cheers man--you did some great work here! mark
Michel.........Soft late night love driven blues.....very realistic, heartfelt and romantic. I feel like I'm sitting in a French cafe..............after hours, of course. GREAT JOB, MICHEL!!