album:Days Not Over genre:Techno streams:26 creation date:2008-03-25
Song Information
Boo - from album Days Not Over - techno dance fused with trance, rave, dub, rock and electronica...
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Boo - from album Days Not Over - techno dance fused with trance, rave, dub, rock and electronica...
03/26/08 09:36:54PM @dazed:
solid tune. very upbeat with some great sounds. Definite rave material . There are just some great songs in here. Keys are just ripping. Good job!
03/26/08 08:24:33AM @mark-reed:
This is good, I prefer this to your other track. For me it has more working for it, and holds the interest better. Once again it's a well structured piece and has greater depth. Well done
Man With No iMage - eclectic music in pop/dance, rock, acid jazz, electronica, acoustic and instrumental...
8 albums released and on iTunes, eMusic, Amazon...
solid tune. very upbeat with some great sounds. Definite rave material
This is good, I prefer this to your other track. For me it has more working for it, and holds the interest better. Once again it's a well structured piece and has greater depth. Well done