Marc Meyers
Marc Meyers
Marc Meyers

Long White Dress

album: Long White Dress
genre: Folk-Rock
streams: 39
creation date: 2009-03-17

  Song Lyrics
Long White DressWords & Music by Marc Meyers1. They say the ghost of the Cherokee,hunts the wolf after three, A.M., untildaylight.A man can struggle with...
Long White Dress
03/19/09 09:53:44AM @mark-reed:
Difficult not to make Dylan comparisons to this number. Nice guitar accompaniment to a set of very deep lyrics. Good song great performance well done
03/18/09 02:20:07PM @slowmarchingband:
Marc - Absolutely love this song and it's performence.

That raw, honest vibe, does it for me man!

Great lyrics and your voice carried them well.

This'll stick to my ribs for some time...


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