
Run Away

album: 2009 Here We Come
genre: Acoustic Rock
streams: 34
creation date: 2009-04-04

Run Away
04/07/09 08:11:44AM @mel:
What a good man Larry was, he obviously loved her very much. These are super lyrics, handed to us with super gentle vocals. I liked the chorus a lot. Thank you for sharing this story and I think a true writer captures the words and shares them just as they come from inside the heart, this is exactly what you have done in my opinion. Wishing you well, Melsi
04/06/09 08:23:25AM @mark-reed:
Just read the story behind this one, unfortunately an all too common occurrence. The work you put into this shows through with the quality of the instrumentation. I liked the story which really comes through in the vocal delivery. Cracking number well done
04/05/09 10:59:18AM @slowmarchingband:
A very good song Mark & Eddie! Great story-line too! Lyrics and especially the chorus line is intriuging. Enjoyed this one much! Larry / SMB
04/05/09 06:39:55AM @durod:
Great song and a spectacular mix, and I like the fx on the vocal harmony. I enjoyed reading the story behind the song almost as much as the song itself!
04/05/09 06:26:59AM @self-tort:
Hi Mark, welcome to mixposure. Firstly, thanks for putting up both the lyrics and the rationale of the song. I personally like to both know what the artist is saying and why he/she is saying it. Secondly, this is a really good song, with the writing, performance and production having a lot to commend it. It will be received well here and you will get a lot of praise for it.

Having said that, and particularly having read the background to the song, I personally don't think you've extracted all the emotion that is available.

I have some, hopefully constructiv suggestions that you may or not be interested in hearing. If you are, PM me and I'll pass them on. If you're not, not a problem. As I said, it's still a really good song, and the playing and production are "top notch". Hope you enjoy the site.




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