Martijn Koek
Martijn Koek

Picking up roses

genre: Rock
streams: 31
creation date: 2008-11-10

  Song Information
This is one of my rare up-tempo songs. It's about picking up roses while the storm rages around you. What else can you do? Hope you like it: let me know.
Picking up roses
11/11/08 07:56:12PM @blue-sahara:
I second the 'Cure' comment below. Wonderful punkish sound, refreshingly unique performances.
Welcome to the Mix Martijn.

11/11/08 09:10:19AM @saladin-de-tolosa:
Cab't resist to review such a short song. And most of all : I love it !
Back to debut Cure stuff, with your personnal instrumentation. Nice-nice job and funny tune.


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