Matthew N.
Upcomming New Year
<p>'Sup everybody?<br /><br />I just wanted to hoop in to update you on some more and less important stuff. Here's what's going on:<br /><br />1. I am happy to announce that I will be releasing a new track on the first day of the new year! This will be nothing like my previous works and will surely blow your minds. <br />2. I will be also changing my artistic nickname as this one is growing old and does no longer fit.<br />3. In about 4 weeks time I will start to have more time to follow my destiny.<br /><br />Anyhow, I wanted to wish you all Merry X-mas and a great New Year. <br /><br />Matt.</p>
Happy New Year to you, Matt. Looking forward to your 2011 evolution, good sir.
I am happy to hear that I am not the only one waiting for that day to come. Have a great New Year yourself, mate.