Operation Rango: Check 1, 2

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:37
Duration: 00:03:37
Rango's coming to Youtube. Seattle programmer, metal guitarist, and retired ballet dancer Matthew Meadows is Rango the Dog, a bipolar polymath hell-bent on taking over YouTube. He's got an evil computer and a bad attitude and even a furry little friend for comedy relief. Featuring a fine selection of notes from my little prog rock diddy The Ringmaster, which you can hear in its current demo form here at ReverbNation:
For a little context and some protorango, check out this poddie over at PodOmatic. It's slightly shreddy and somewhat spidery and I'm pretty sure you'll dig it, too:
For a little context and some protorango, check out this poddie over at PodOmatic. It's slightly shreddy and somewhat spidery and I'm pretty sure you'll dig it, too: