Meg Hackett
Meg Hackett

Instrumental in D

album: If I Can Believe
genre: Acoustic
streams: 73
creation date: 2009-06-21

Instrumental in D
John R. Kennedy
09/01/13 08:18:45PM @john-r-kennedy:
Meg, Love open tuning in the key of D, reminds me of some old songs I use to play in open D tuning. Like the slide work as well. Great sound with lots of energy. Very nicely done with precession and great execution. Nice!!

Peace and Blessings, John

09/01/13 05:56:33PM @meg-hackett:
Thanks so much for the kind words! This was a fun piece to play. Yes, open tuning can add a whole dimension of sound. When I would play out as a soloist, I would take contemporary songs and add my own twist using open tuning. Glad you enjoyed it!!
Rogers-Tennison Band
03/06/10 09:37:43AM @rogers-tennison-band:
Is open tuning great or what? I picked up my D35 and jammed along. The slide guitar added a whole depth to tune. Well done.


06/21/09 09:38:57AM @orion:
that is some fast strumming. hah. clean and i like the variations in the chords at such a high pace. makes me wanna go play master of puppets and try to keep a similar fast pace. haha.
06/21/09 12:38:50PM @dazed:
Hey Meg. Solid playing here. No idea how you can play like that. Awesome! You get great sound on that guitar Meg. Well done.


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