<p>Mel Da Countryboy is from a small town in Byhalia,Ms with a population of about 3000. He got his love of music from his dad who played Blues and Soul music in the house. At the age of 12 he discovered rap and since then he knew thats what he wanted to do. He started rapping in class with his classmates and quickly became a favorite at school because of his punchlines and humor in his raps, at the time it was a dream and was not taken serious. As with life things happen and music was put on the back burner until he graduated high school and decided to attend <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZ1bGxzYWlsLmVkdQ==" target="_blank"><span style="color: #003399;">FullSail</span></a> to become an Audio engineer. After graduation again, life threw him on a curve and again music was set aside but never given up. He practiced on his production skills, as well as rapping, and started producing local acts and performing on songs with other up and coming artist but never focused on a solo career until now. Now he is ready to offer his music to the world with his first release titled <span style="color: #ff0000;">Anti-Hate Campaign</span> with leading singles <span style="color: #ff0000;">"Gettin Head"</span> and <span style="color: #ff0000;">"King Kong."</span> <br /></p>