Memphis Nights
I'm Gonna Get You - Memphis Nights

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:50
Duration: 00:03:50
Download Audio: http://vibedeck.com/memphisnights/tracks/8165/buy
I'm Gonna Get You - Memphis Nights
Here's a Funky Dance track. The beats and hooks enhance the dangerous lyrics. A real mover and shaker, showing that a whiskey weathered voice on a dance track can not only work...but can elevate the emotion. Perfect for the darker D.J.
This track was influenced by the overwhelming need for people to live on, and through, the Internet (despite its dangers). Moving into the dark after-hours of the city, the clubs, neon lights and its music was bound to influence me.
When stalking goes cyber - a new threat is born. This track warns of this new tool that brings the world closer.
I'm Gonna Get You - Memphis Nights
Here's a Funky Dance track. The beats and hooks enhance the dangerous lyrics. A real mover and shaker, showing that a whiskey weathered voice on a dance track can not only work...but can elevate the emotion. Perfect for the darker D.J.
This track was influenced by the overwhelming need for people to live on, and through, the Internet (despite its dangers). Moving into the dark after-hours of the city, the clubs, neon lights and its music was bound to influence me.
When stalking goes cyber - a new threat is born. This track warns of this new tool that brings the world closer.