
Black Metal Jesus

album: Jos ga nema...A cega?
genre: Trash Metal
streams: 43
creation date: 2008-03-09
purchase: mp3, 3.9MB, 00:04:16
  Song Lyrics
Black Metal Jesus He`s goin` on stage in his black leather coat with his corpse painted face with a pentagram on his neck he`s screaming thy infernal name...
  Song Information
This is a song against the black metal jesus dude
Black Metal Jesus
02/25/10 06:53:01PM @1-aztlan-nation-mr-mx1:
this is some crazy ass mixing I fukin love it, you need to get a hold of a good engeneer that can capture the true sound of your talent. I think its awesome and you should keep making more tracks. Distortion is killinng your track though, turn it way down and add a compressor to fatten the saoun carve a few EQz in to it and you freakin got it made. It takes BALLS to make music like this awesome track
03/09/08 12:39:25PM @dazed:
I see this is listed under comedy genre and I think you hit the mark. I would be curious to hear something serious from you!


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