Michael Frazier
Song Lyrics
Tears of TruthRushing for the money underneath the seaNever a second thought about humanityOpened up pandora's box and they don't know what to doPoisoning...
Song Information
Michael Frazier Acoustic Guitar, Vocal and Keyboards - Bass, DrumsRecorded, Mixed and Produced by Michael Frazier for Root Cellar Productions © 2010
I love this song... all your music, really. Tears of Truth has been included in show 6 of Twang Is The Thang 1 hour pre-recorded Radio Show here on MixStream Radio. And, a link to this page has been included on the Show 6 page.
Show 6 is available for streaming and/or free download at: http://www2.mixposure.com/kooder/song_focus_21836.php
Love the tune, the message, the harmonies, the atmosphere, the whole 9 yards.
Great tune Michael. i like the 'live vocal-like' effect, as it works for this particular track. Reminds me of the music of the seventies ( I was a huge Crosby, Stills,Nash,Young fan then). Also, a lot of today's music is mixed so loud that it becomes unbearable to listen to at times. This is mixed 'old-school', which is also outstanding (you can crank it up without distorting the overall sound). Exceptional lyrics round out a very promising piece of work.
Hey Michael love the sound of the acoustic on this tune. I thought the vocals could be mixed a bit more. They sound live which may have been the effect you were going for though. Great melody line on this tune.
Hi Michael, this has some very current and appropriate lyric...The music gives me the vibe of Quicksilver Messenger Service for some reason, which I'm sure you're familiar with them. I like all the guitar work and synths througout the song. Your voice tone and melody further the song's urgency at getting things fixed before it's too late. Well done!
This rocks, loved it from note one through. Simple backing with some nice touches on that guitar. For me the vox you laid down here make this drive. Excellent song thanks