Michael Nunley
Michael Nunley
Michael Nunley

GREAT Comments!

user image 2008-02-17
By: FocusPlayer
Posted in:
GREAT Comments!

I always get THE BEST stuff in "reviews" when I do a CRAZY song. You guys are huge fun!
SO: I'll answer a few questions about my wacko "that's it" song here:

1) yes, I was off my meds
2) no, the straight jacket wasn't too tight... it was too loose, how da ya thing I got out??
5) I'm only in the cage at night... the rest of the time the lo-jack thing on my ankle has to do
11.4) Yes, my wife has a number on speed-dial for the guys with the white coats and tranq darts
3.8) as long as you do that kind of vocal softly and right ON the mic, it's not too painful.
4B) Yes, this is the Christmas card I got from my Uncle T. He sends a new pic of himself to all of his relatives every year.. very vain of him don't ya think? He says I have his ears, but that's a lie, I got the ones in my jar from the crash site, and he wasn't on that one.

Thanks folks !!


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